Flexible Working: The Role of Office Coffee
The office, as we know it, has changed drastically throughout the years. Today, it has become symbolic of the collaboration amongst colleagues. What was once the main meeting point has become a suitable alternative to a coffee shop. As your devoted office experience consultants, Servomax takes a deeper look at the benefits of having an office space in this short article. We often get feedback from our clients regarding the influence a new office coffee machine has on employee engagement and attendance. We are happy to see the increasing interest in quality coffee at work because we believe in promoting your team’s well-being and that starts with a good cup of coffee (and exceptional office coffee services).
Let’s look at some interesting market trends in Canada
Nearly two-thirds (62 %) of Canadian employers say they’re using a hybrid working model, according to a new survey by Colliers Canada.
There’s definitely a need for flexibility. Being able to choose where to work is a huge advantage for your team, even a decisive factor. Returning to the office is a big topic nowadays, especially in the bigger cities, i.e. Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, etc. This is a growing trend as the number of remote workers is decreasing and employers are finding innovative ways to appeal to their team with a refined office life. The importance of maintaining a modern workspace that nurtures collaboration and building connections is necessary to increase overall productivity. Whether you’re working from home or working from the office, having an office space that features specialty coffee and local coffee beans you love will definitely be an incentive to go back to the office.

Servomax is a national leader in the office coffee services industry for over 24 years. Our mission is to offer innovative products and solutions that have a positive impact on our customers and their environment.
The bulk of coffee drinkers (86%) say they drink coffee at breakfast. This number drops to just 27% who drink coffee in the morning period, 12% at lunch, 17% in the afternoon, 9% at dinner and 12% in the evening.
Coffee is more than a warm beverage. It involves taking a brief moment for yourself, to catch up with your colleagues, or to enjoy a few minutes of peace before heading back to tackle your tasks. In fact, this trend recorded amongst Canadian professionals shows that the most popular time to have a coffee is at breakfast. This makes sense as it is the ideal moment to take a step back and energize before getting into full-focus mode. We believe this is a practice that can be easily achieved at the office. An office space will promote the well-being of your team by enticing them to get a cup of quality coffee and a quick healthy breakfast with their colleagues before returning to their desks. Productivity can only be reached at full potential when your team is able to collaborate. Offering a space with office coffee services can greatly contribute to better teamwork. Large corporations, despite having hybrid workers, understand the importance of investing in food services at the office to increase employee satisfaction. It is the simplest way to foster positive morale and a welcoming work environment.
Mental health benefits to drinking coffee ranked 2nd
There is an opportunity to explore the benefits associated with drinking coffee when exploring office perks. High quality coffee that you would normally enjoy in cafés and coffee shops can positively impact your team through the many advantages that it offers, including mental health benefits. You can have this standard easily at the office with the help of Servomax. Grow the sense of belonging amongst your team with a beverage that not only increases employee engagement, but it can serve as a good team building tool. Aside from being able to share meaningful moments with your colleagues over a cup of coffee, the correlation between caffeine and mental health has surfaced on several occasions through research studies that showed a lower risk of depression for individuals who had a regular coffee consumption (2-3 cups a day). Moreover, offering snacks services at the office can also help promote a happier attitude at work as employees will feel valued and appreciated.
Flexibility at work is a top priority, but quality coffee is a close second. Understanding that there are certain expectations that your team has in order to feel motivated to go back to the office can have positive consequences on your business performance. Whether they are hybrid workers stopping by the office to get a cup of coffee (because in this economy, it may actually be more affordable to meet your team that way), or whether they are fully back and look forward to their breakfast at the office with a delicious cup of coffee, Servomax can help set your workspace up for success.